Truck accident on a highway in North Dakota
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Driving without insurance is illegal in North Dakota, and it can cause significant legal and financial complications for everyone involved when an accident happens. Unfortunately, some people and companies may cut corners by not purchasing the insurance required to operate their commercial trucks. So, what happens after you’re injured in a truck accident involving someone without insurance? Let’s explore this scenario in detail, explaining relevant insurance laws, your rights after an accident, and how you can pursue compensation when you’re not at fault.

North Dakota Insurance Laws

North Dakota is one of the rare states that follows a “no-fault” auto insurance system. Under a no-fault system, you file a claim with your insurance company after an accident, regardless of who is at fault for causing the crash. Personal injury protection (PIP) coverage generally helps pay for medical expenses, while collision coverage covers the physical damage to your vehicle. Some motorists believe that in a no-fault system, they can save money and get away without paying for car insurance coverage.

First, North Dakota law mandates that all motor vehicles registered and operated in the state be covered by insurance policies with coverage minimums that include:

If you are pulled over for a traffic violation or are involved in an accident and cannot provide proof of insurance, you face fines, jail time, and the suspension of your driver’s license.

What Happens When You’re in a Crash with an Uninsured Truck?

If you are involved in a truck accident and the other driver is uninsured, contact the authorities, seek medical attention for your injuries, and talk to your insurance provider. You can file a claim with your insurance company. Your no-fault and uninsured/underinsured coverage can help cover your financial losses. However, if your injuries are significant and progress past your policy limits, you may need to file a personal injury lawsuit against the at-fault truck driver or the company the driver works for.

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration requires all commercial truck drivers to carry insurance. Insurance requirements vary depending on the weight of the truck and the type of cargo it hauls. Drivers who carry hazardous materials must carry more substantial insurance coverage.

The uninsured truck driver may face fines, jail time, and the suspension of their commercial driver’s license. They may also find that after this crash, getting insurance coverage is more challenging and expensive because they are a risky investment for an insurance company. The driver may also face legal issues, such as being the defendant in a civil case filed by someone they injured in an accident.

If a commercial truck driver causes an accident and does not have valid insurance coverage, victims can pursue legal action against the driver or their company. However, recovering compensation from an uninsured driver or negligent company can be challenging without the help of an experienced North Dakota truck accident attorney. A seasoned attorney has the resources and knowledge to go after the responsible parties and hold them accountable for their careless actions.

A North Dakota Truck Accident Attorney Is Ready to Advocate for You

Pringle & Herigstad, P.C., has been helping North Dakota residents by providing responsive and trusted legal counsel for years. If an uninsured truck or commercial driver has caused an accident and injured you, it is time to get the law on your side.

Contact our North Dakota office and request a confidential case evaluation with a North Dakota truck accident lawyer. We look forward to meeting you, hearing your story, and explaining your options for pursuing fair compensation.