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Construction workers have a high risk of accidents on the job. Construction accidents can cause catastrophic injuries and permanent impairments. You could be entitled to several forms of compensation and benefits. In this blog, our North Dakota construction accident attorneys discuss the compensation you can claim for a construction accident.

Workers’ Compensation for a Construction Accident in North Dakota

Most construction workers are covered by workers’ compensation insurance. Workers’ comp is a no-fault system that provides benefits to workers injured on the job. A construction accident that results in injuries could result in workers’ compensation benefits that include:

Medical Benefits

Workers’ compensation pays for reasonable and necessary medical care for injuries caused by a construction accident. The medical care continues until the worker fully recovers or reaches maximum medical improvement. Seek immediate medical treatment after a work-related injury to decrease the risk of making the injury worse.

Wage Loss Benefits

You can receive temporary wage loss benefits if a construction injury prevents you from working. Wage loss benefits equal about 2/3 of your average weekly wages before the accident. You may also receive an additional $15 per week for each dependent child you support.

Personal Expenses

You may be reimbursed for some personal expenses related to your construction injury. Expenses may include mileage to and from medical appointments, meals, and other costs necessary for your medical care. Keep copies of all expenses and detailed notes about why you incurred the expense. Without adequate documentation, you cannot receive reimbursement from workers’ comp. 

Disability Benefits

If a construction accident causes permanent impairment, you may be entitled to total or partial disability benefits. These benefits depend on the type of impairment and other factors.

Return to Work Benefits

When you are ready to return to work, several benefits help you do so. The benefits include vocational case management, retraining, work search, injured worker assistance programs, and others.

Third-Party Claims for Construction Accidents in North Dakota

Sometimes, a construction worker may file a third-party personal injury claim seeking additional compensation. Examples of third-party claims for a construction accident include:

  • An injury caused by a defective tool or piece of equipment
  • A car accident caused by another driver while you were on the job
  • An injury caused by another party, such as a subcontractor
  • Injuries caused by dangerous property conditions

A personal injury claim can result in much more compensation than a workers’ compensation claim. You could receive compensation for all lost wages, out-of-pocket expenses, medical costs, and other economic damages. You may also receive compensation for non-economic damages such as pain and suffering, emotional distress, and diminished quality of life. Workers’ comp does not cover any non-economic damages.

Talk with an attorney to determine if you have a claim.

Schedule a Consultation with Our North Dakota Personal Injury Attorneys

A construction accident can cause devastating injuries. An accident on the job could prevent you from working for months, years, or the rest of your life. You deserve to receive all benefits and compensation allowed by law. Call Pringle & Herigstad, P.C. to speak with a North Dakota personal injury attorney about your legal options.