Insurance companies are vital in today’s society. Drivers must carry insurance coverage, and in the event of a crash, you go through these large corporations to get compensation. While necessary, insurance companies are often looking out for their own profits and disregard your well-being.
Before you move forward with filing a claim and working with insurance adjusters, it’s vital for you to understand how they work. Here are three things you should know about how they operate and tactics they may use against you to deny or minimize your claim.
1. Recorded Statements are Not Always a Good Thing
Whether you’re working with your own insurance provider in a no-fault claim or the provider of another driver in a third-party claim, you may be requested to provide a recorded statement. This recorded statement may seem innocent, but it’s often done to use against you.
Insurance companies hope that you’ll say something in this recorded statement that allows them to minimize the amount they pay out. In some cases, they may try to use your statement to deny your claim completely.
2. Insurance Adjusters are Trained Negotiators
That friendly demeanor coming from an insurance adjuster is not always as genuine as it should be. These workers are trained in negotiation and will do whatever to earn your trust. Then, they’ll tell you things that may hurt your case in an effort to get you to accept a settlement offer that is much less than you need.
3. Insurance Companies Care About Profits
It’s unfortunate, but insurance companies prioritize their own profits over claimants. When you file a claim for compensation, you threaten their profits. You run a serious risk of having the claims adjuster take advantage of a vulnerable situation because they want to pay out as little as possible.
Our North Dakota car accident lawyers at Pringle & Herigstad, P.C. work to protect you and your rights through all matters. We’ll focus on your best interests, going above and beyond to obtain the maximum compensation to which you may be entitled to your damages.
Discuss your case with our firm in a free consultation. Call us today at (855) 245-5100.